Report - Quadricycles to start plying Indian roads from October

05/08/2013 - 19:35 ,   Anjan Ravi

The Government of India had approved the creation of the 'Quadricycles' segment in May this year. The approval brought a lot of cheer for Bajaj Auto (who can now commence production of the RE60 a.k.a India's first and only Quadricycle), while certain other manufacturers remain skeptical (and also expressed their displeasure) about this segment.

Now, Times of India reports that you can expect to see Quadricycles plying our roads from October this year. Government sources have said that the draft notification would be sent out soon and there after 30 days of time would be given for suggestions and objections to be submitted.

Bajaj recently showed the production spec RE60.

Like we said before, Quadricycles would be required to carry a 'Q' symbol on the front (unclear whether it would be required at the rear as well) and they would be restricted to commercial use only. This would extend to carrying goods and people on non-highway stretches of cities and villages.

The government has also announced that flexible materials such as resin, cloth and plastic should not be used to build the body of the Quadricycle. The passenger carrying Quadricycles must accommodate four people (including driver) while the goods carrying type can accommodate two people including the driver apart from a maximum payload of 550kg.

Passenger carrying Quadricycles must accommodate four people including the driver.

The goods carrying Quadricycles will be longer than the passenger carrying ones and would weigh about 550kg as against the 450kg kerb weight of the passenger Quadricycles.

[Source - Times of India]

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