Sales of Mahindra Maxximo Mini Truck cross 1 lakh units

Tata Motors better bring out the Ace DICOR quickly!

Mahindra Maxximo Hero Red

The Mahindra Maxximo is celebrating a milestone, that of crossing sales of 1 lakh units in domestic markets since its launch in 2010.

In these last two years, Mahindra has used the Maxximo platform to explore creative ideas such as launching a CNG variant, a soft top minivan, and a hardtop van with sliding doors.

It is powered by a twin cylinder CRDI engine that produces 25hp, and boasts of a loading area of 35 sq.ft and a payload capacity of 850kg. The Maxximo competes with the Tata Ace and Force Trump models and in its first TV commercial, the Maxximo was cast as a transforming Autobot that carried operators safely, economically and quicker that its rival models.

The TV commercial was thought to be a bit ambitious and to an extent humorous, but results show that it has worked.

Apart from bringing back a new segment of customers and healthy profit margins, the Maxximo has also returned with hugely encouraging results from studies conducted by market research agencies. The studies found Maxximo to have “advanced technology” and feel “powerful” and “car-like”.

Within a span of two years, all Maxximo variants combined together, have captured a market share of 25% in this segment. Will Mahindra use the Maxximo platform to roll out more new products?

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