Mahindra Scorpio N Sets New Guinness World Record

05/07/2023 - 13:46 ,  ,   IAB Team
Mahindra is proud to announce that a team of two skilled drivers in its flagship model, the Scorpio-N, has officially set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the "Fastest crossing of the Simpson Desert by a production vehicle".

ArrayThis achievement was accomplished shortly after the Scorpio-N's recent launch in Australia, which presented the SUV’s outstanding capabilities and reliability as the team blazed through the challenging terrain of the Simpson Desert at record-breaking speed.

The Mahindra Scorpio-N showcased outstanding performance throughout the expedition, conquering 1100 sand dunes and enduring peak outside temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius, all within a remarkable 13-hour timeframe. The Scorpio-N was co-driven by Gene Corbett (Total Driver) and Ben Robinson (4WD Industries), who, along with a team of photographers and videographers, documented the epic adventure. Their record-breaking journey was verified by officials from Guinness World Records.

The Simpson Desert is a captivating destination for motoring enthusiasts around the world, and the Scorpio-N's achievement adds to its allure. The stunning scenery, ever-changing landscapes, and diverse flora and fauna make it an extraordinary experience. The record-breaking journey commenced at the crack of dawn in Birdsville and concluded at Alkaseltzer Bore, all completed within 13 hours. Along the 385 km long journey, the Scorpio-N overcame salt flats situated 20 meters above sea level, which presented a significant challenge due to high moisture content.

This historic achievement stands as a testament to the Scorpio-N's impressive off-road performance, combined with the unyielding spirit and expertise of the drivers. It demonstrates how the Scorpio-N, with its exceptional engineering and design, has set new benchmarks in the world of off-road driving.

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