TopGear India special airs on 28th of December

Unless you have been stuck in a cave, you would know that the three stooges from TopGear UK were filming the Christmas special right here in India. managed to snag a couple of shots of the cars that they were travelling in.

Now be prepared to marvel at the fruit of their hard work on 28th of December.

Top Gear in IndiaWhat’s more, the trio isn’t here to do some sightseeing or have some spicy Indian food. They are here on a mission – to help the struggling economy of Britain by encouraging British exports in India.

Oh yes, the three middle aged men are here to make sure that UK must become a favored trading partner of India.

It’s a typical TopGear challenge that revolves around a small budget to buy a car and then complete a series of tasks. Producer Any Wilman commented “our plan was to drive across India, drumming up interest in British goods, advertising the peerless standards of British skills, British nous, British Britishness. We would make the Indians think: ‘No, we shall not buy mayonnaise from Belgium, but Angel Delight and Kendal Mint Cake from the British.”

One Kendal Mint cake for me please! (whatever that is). Until my cake is delivered, have a look at an exclusive glimpse to know what's in store for us in the India special. Little tip: It starts at 2:06



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