Did you know - Tata Indica Vista makes its Hollywood debut in Safe House
05/03/2012 - 08:03 Tata indica Vista, Safe House, Tata Indica Vista Safe House, Tata Motors Shrawan Raja
Indian Autos Blog reader Hari sent us these screen grabs from the movie "Safe House" that was released on the 10th of February. The movie starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds must be Tata Motors' current favorite as the Indica Vista shares screen space with the actors. This is the first instance of a Tata Motors vehicle in a Hollywood movie.
The Vista may not win an Academy award for its cameo but we think it deserves more significant roles in future Hollywood films. I mean its boring to see the usual American or European models as getaway cars or in hot pursuit.
Michael Bay must consider the Vista or the Nano for the next Transformers movie, what say? ;-)